For my story I chose to write about spring traditions, now for the story I didn't look at what others do for the springtime, I looked into traditions other countries do for the day. It would be interesting to learn and see what other people from other countries do during easter\spring time.
The first spring tradition is one in Teotihuacan in Mexico it is a mountain where for springtime people gather around it. It's where on easter day the sun hits the top of the mountain and shines down on its people.
For the next one, we have Sham El Nessim as a spring tradition in Egypt. They celebrate the holiday the Monday after easter the way they do this is by writing and decorating hard-boiled eggs and families hang baskets of eggs outside others' homes. The eggs are a symbol of rebirth. Sham el Nessim means “smell of the breeze”. That's why they do the eggs and it's a very joyful day for them.
I thought this was interesting because I didn't know what other places did for the springtime or Easter and there are many more cultures I could talk about but I'll keep it short. I thought that it was good to note if you were going to go to other places like Mexico or Egypt around easter and would know what to do while you were there.