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Speech Competitors Head to Peoria

Clara Papacek

Speech is a club in which every Saturday in November-February kids compete their speech to beat their other competitors. Most meets have three rounds. You will compete against 5-6 kids in your category in each round. At the end of each round, a judge will rank you from 1-6, 1 being the best and 6 being the worst. Based on your rankings added together you can make Varsity, JV (if it is either your first or second year of speech), or not final at all. There are 14 events that speech kids can perform at all meets and an extra event for regionals through state. Those events include Dramatic Duet Acting (DDA) in which you and a partner act out a dramatic piece. Dramatic Interpretation (DI) is where you as an individual perform a dramatic piece. Extemporaneous Speaking (EX) is when you are given a prompt and have thirty minutes and access to the internet to create a 6-minute speech. Humorous Duet Acting (HDA) in which you and a partner act out a humorous piece. Humorous Interpretation (HI) is where you as an individual perform a humourous piece. Impromptu Speaking (IMP) is an event where you are given a word, phrase, or quote and you have two minutes to create a 6-minute speech with three main points related to the word, phrase, or quote. Informative Speaking (INF) is where you come up with a topic and create an original speech to inform the audience about your topic. Oratorical Declamation (DEC) is when you take an already written or performed article or speech and perform it to an audience. Original Comedy (OC) is when you create your own humorous story, either based on real events or a made-up story. Original Oratory (OO) is an event in which you create your speech to persuade your audience of something. Poetry Reading (POE) is when you create a mash-up of different poems from different poets to create one big poem. Prose Reading (PR) is when you read a short story instead of poetry, often a bit sad and depressing. Radio Speaking (RS) is when you create your own radio or broadcast each round. Special Occasion Speaking (SOS) is when you create a speech to entertain an audience while telling the audience about a topic. At some meets, you can perform Performance in the Round (PIR) in which a small group of people perform a play in a circle that is around 15 minutes long.


Speech Team and their Events:


Robin Stevens and Ireland Timm


Ireland Timm

Brooke Bussan


Jacob Hartwig


Abby Kachelmuss and Harper Lamb

Akelia Brown and Wren Huebner

Colton Sheppard and Kevin Hernandez-Zuno


Nathaniel Roehrig

Kylie Monk


Jacob Hartwig

Jocelynn Rutherford

Maddux McPartlin

Alex Felan

Kevin Nguyen

Tristan Crow


Clara Papacek

Carter Snodgrass


Nathaniel Roehrig


Wren Huebner


Maddux McPartlin


Robin Stevens

Mya Parvin


Karley Fulcher

Kevin Hernandez-Zuno

Harper Lamb

Alex Felan

Kayla Hilderbrand


Sebastian Grobauskas

Colton Sheppard


Abby Kachelmuss


Kayla Hilderbrand & Micah Hilderbrand & Sebastian Grobauskas & Jocelynn Rutherford & Alex Felan & Kylie Monk & Mya Parvin & Carter Snodgrass


Nicole Hackney

Ryan VanWinkle

Throughout the season the team had their highs but based on their overall performances, the Regional team consisted of Robin Stevens and Ireland Timm for DDA, Ireland Timm for DI, Jacob Hartwig for EX, Abby Kachelmuss and Harper Lamb for HDA, Nathaniel Roehrig for HI, Jacob Hartwig for IMP, Clara Papacek for INF, Nathaniel Roehrig for DEC, Wren Huebner for OC, Maddux McPartlin for OO, Robin Stevens for POE, Karley Fulcher For PR, Colton Sheppard for RS, Abby Kachelmuss for SOS, and Kayla Hilderbrand, Micah Hilderbrand, Sebastian Grobauskas, Jocelynn Rutherford, Alex Felan, Kylie Monk, Mya Parvin and Carter Snodgrass for PIR. Most of the team advanced to Sectionals and they placed 4th overall as a team. After Regionals the Sectionals team consisted of Robin Stevens and Ireland Timm for DDA, Ireland Timm for DI, Abby Kachelmuss and Harper Lamb for HDA, Nathaniel Roehrig for HI, Jacob Hartwig for IMP, Wren Huebner for OC, Robin Stevens for POE, Karley Fulcher For PR, Abby Kachelmuss for SOS, and Kayla Hilderbrand, Micah Hilderbrand, Sebastian Grobauskas, Jocelynn Rutherford, Alex Felan, Kylie Monk, Mya Parvin and Carter Snodgrass for PIR. After the second round we had two finalists competing to go to state, Robin Stevens for POE and Jacob Hartwig for IMP. Both ended up getting second place at Sectionals and qualifying for State. 

On Friday, February 16th, and Saturday, February 17th Robin Stevens and Jacob Hartwig went to the State competition for High School Speech. Although both Robin and Jacob worked incredibly hard throughout the season and at state, neither of them made it to the final round of their events. Robin and Jacob have not been to state before and both said that it was an amazing experience. Robin says that she wouldn’t change much about the season. It was a great season and being with the team, competing with this team, and even talking with this team made the season great. Jacob said there are little things here and there that he would change, talking slower, different introductions, and overall perfecting the little things. But overall he said it is all around great, great experience, great weekend, great competition. Even though neither of them finaled both should be incredibly proud of themselves. They put a great end to a perfect season. They had some tough competition but overall they perfected a great season.

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