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Once Upon a Mattress Comes to Heyworth

Olivia Oliver

Coming to Heyworth High School this spring! ONCE UPON A MATTRESS! Based on the iconic story The Princes and the Pea. we have several amazing Actors as well as a phenomenal tech team. The musical will be directed by Ms. Hackney, our overall director overseeing everything that happens on and off stage. Ms. Rackauskus is our music detector handling everything from lines to song adjustments and changes. Ryan is our co-music director and choreographer handling things like intros and cues. Lastly, our Tech guru Brian handles everything from lights to mics. 


Minstrel: Robin Stevens

Queen Aggravain: Abby Kachelmusss

Prince Dauntless: Jacob Hartwig

King Sextimus: Nathaniel Roehrig

Princess Winnifred: Wren Huebner

Lady Larken: Ireland Timm

Sir Harry: Kevin Hernandez-Zum

Jester: Harper Lamb

Wizard: MaKylee Assani

Knight 1: Micah Hilderbran

Knight 2: Tristan Crow

Knight 3: Luca Lamensta

Lady Rowena: CC Corbly

Lady Merril: Payton Hill

Lady Lucille: Brooke Bussan

Lady Sarah: Karley Fulcher

Lady Mabelle: Ava Brookshier

Lady Helena: Skylar Wright

Sir Studley: Sebastian Grobauskas

Sir Luce: Tristan Crow

Princess 12: Kylie Monk

Ladies in Waiting: Kylie Monk, Akeila Brown, Ash Nieslawski, Cali Anderson, Lily Meckley, Jolee Maharas, Jocelynn Rutherford

Kitchen Wenches: Mya Parvin & Sadie Roeder

Dance Captains: Lacy Gerike, Robin Stevens, Harper Lamb, Abby Kachelmuss

Student Directors: Kate Pickett, Kayla Hilderbrand, Haley Young, Clara Papacek. Emerson Becker

Tech roles are yet to be determined if you are interested in helping with the musical or want to learn more about talk to Miss Hackney! 

We are all very excited to bring Once Upon a Mattress to you all this spring.

Make sure to come check it out! Show dates are April 19-21

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