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Heyworth's 2nd Annual College and Career Fair

Lexa Parsley

This year's Annual Heyworth High School college and career fair is going to be held in the Hornet Gymnasium. The college and career fair is going to be held from 9 am - Noon on Friday, March 15th. There will be 9 different sections within the fair, Starting with Colleges, Community, Power, Trades/Manufacturing, Health and Medicine, Agriculture, Insurance/Financial, the City of Bloomington, and Military/Law enforcement. Many different businesses and organizations from around the state will be attending. Colleges range from Mississippi state to McKendree, even though some come from within the state lines and a select few are from other parts of the country. This is a great opportunity for our junior and senior high school students, it gives them a chance to figure out what career or college they may be interested in participating in.

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