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Ham, Turkey, or Chicken?

Anya Smith

What's the most popular main on your Thanksgiving tables?

Thanksgiving is often overlooked and underappreciated. Thanksgiving is the time for you and your loved ones to gather around the table and share how thankful you are as well as to eat delicious food. Thanksgiving meals and the food we eat today have evolved from the first Thanksgiving, where people usually served deer, corn, bread, and whatever they could harvest. The options were definitely limited to what was available at that time.

Today, our Thanksgiving tables are typically full with lots of variety, like turkey, ham, or chicken, as well as lots of sides. The Thanksgiving table has changed so much throughout the years, so we asked 14 people what they prefer to eat for Thanksgiving. Three people said ham, six people said turkey, four people said ham and turkey, and one person said chicken.

Turkey is more common for Thanksgiving meals and this is shown throughout our society. A turkey is the symbol of Thanksgiving and when you think of Thanksgiving or look at decorations, you'll see turkeys all around you.

Ham is the next most common meal at Thanksgiving when we were counting on what foods people prefer for Thanksgiving we got a lot of responses saying that honey ham was the best so depending on how your family makes their ham or turkey can impact your opinion.   

What do you prefer to eat on Thanksgiving turkey ham or chicken? Thanksgiving is a Time for you and your family to reconnect over some good cooked food. Don't forget to let your loved ones know how thankful you are for them.

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