Wednesday, May 22:
8:15-9:42- Review Period
9:45-11:07- 1st hour
11:10-12:02- Lunch
12:05-1:32- 2nd hour
1:35-3:00- 3rd hour
Thursday, May 23:
8:15-9:42- Review Period
9:45-11:07- 4th hour
11:10-12:02- Lunch
12:05-1:32- 5th hour
1:35-3:00- 6th hour
Friday, May 24:
8:15-9:42- 7th hour
9:45-11:07- 8th hour
The review periods are very helpful for finals prep. They are there for you to go to any teachers and ask any questions you have before you take the test or turn in a project. Sometimes teachers will also let you take your final during this time if you will be gone at your regularly scheduled final time. Another important thing is most teachers, if they give you a project for the final, will let you turn in your project early so you do not have to come to the final time.
According to Point Loma Nazarene University, some tips for studying for finals and completing final projects are, to avoid procrastination, get some good sleep, find a space that will be good for studying, create a playlist that helps you focus, get rid of anything that distracts you, use a mix of different study methods, and sometimes studying with a group of people helps.