On November 6 the boys basketball team kicked off their 2023-2024 season. With a new coaching staff, the boys have big plans for this season. To get a preview into this new season, the six seniors Alex Maas, Nick Feather, Tyler Wills, Tyler Bartels, Alex Dahlhauser, and Brady Wicklander were interviewed to get a deeper look into this team. When they were asked what they were most excited about for this upcoming season, they responded by sharing their excitement for home games. They love the energy our school and community bring to the gym in support of the boys defeating their opponents. The basketball team thinks they have a good opportunity to do great things this season, after the work they put in during the off-season. They were also asked if this year will be much different. They responded with yes, the new coaching staff will definitely impact the game in a positive way. Also, finding ways to fill the gaps from seniors who left last year will be different. The boys' first games of the season will take place in the Thanksgiving tournament in Washington, Illinois.
Boys Basketball Season Starts
Macie Toepke